Published in Scientific Works. Series C. Veterinary Medicine, Vol. LXIII, Issue 2
Written by Alina Maria IONESCU, Maria TOADER, Mirela Elena DUȘA, Emil GEORGESCU
This paper presents the results of the research on the yield quality of some grain legumes (lentil, faba bean, chickpea, fenugreek, mung bean and adzuki bean) promoted by organic agriculture. In order to determine the quality of grain legumes, there were analysed several physical indicators, such as the thousand grain weigh (TGW), the hectolitre mass (MH), the moisture content (%) and chemical indicators, such as the protein content (% d.m.), the carbohydrates content (%), the fat content (% d.m.), the ash content (%). The seeds energetic value (Kcal.%) was calculated as well. In order to determine the TGW, 8 samples of 100 seeds were weighed, while to determine the MH, the Hectolitre Measuring System - Chondrometer, with a capacity of 0.5 l, was used. The following methods were used for the determination of the biochemical compounds of seeds: for carbohydrates - the Bertrand method; for proteins - the Kjeldahl method; for fats - the Soxhlet method and for ash - the Spectrophotometer method. On average, the chemical composition of these crops was the following: for lentil - 22.50% proteins, 2.81% fats, 63.56% carbohydrates, 3.95% ash, and an energetic value of 358.47 kcal.; for faba bean - 21.60% proteins, 4.45% fats, 63.90% carbohydrates, 5.90% ash, and an energetic value of 366.77 kcal; for chickpea - 21.19% proteins, 4.30% fats, 56.17% carbohydrates, 3,31% ash, and an energetic value of 356.16 kcal; for feenugreek - 21.24% proteins, 4.66% fats, 63.81% carbohydrates, 5.71% ash, and an energetic value of 360.58 kcal.; for mung bean - 23.23% proteins, 2.08% fats, 68.09% carbohydrates, 3.88% ash, and an energetic value of 362.89 kcal.; for adzuki bean- 21.9% proteins, 2.6% fats, 69.3%carbohydrates, 4.1% ash, and an energetic value of 361.14 kcal. The nutritional value results for these grain legumes highlighted the very special role that they should play in the development of biodiversity as well as in the diversification of human and animal feeding.
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