Published in Scientific Works. Series C. Veterinary Medicine, Vol. 19 ISSUE 3
Written by Aurel MUSTE, Florin BETEG, Marius MUSTE, Ionel PAPUC, Teodor STROE, Loredana HODIS, Gelu ZEGREAN, Aurel DAMIAN
This study describes the possibility of restoring blood flow by a bypass, in a segment which is disrupted or blocked. Our study presents such a possibility and was performed on five pigs weighing 50 kg who underwent aortal bypass at the infrarenal segment and monitored for 30 days postoperatively. The section has been replaced by a length of 5 cm by arteriotomy and closed by suture. The bypass prosthesis used was Dacron and has been properly placed between the two ends and fixed by continuous suture. Anastomosis was performed end-to-side at both ends, between the ends a 5 cm part of aorta was replaced with the prosthesis. Pigs were monitored hemodynamic in terms of physiological constants and general status, postsurgical, received adequate treatment. Aortic bypass has been shown to be effective without postoperative complications noted.
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